10% heating energy savings after the facade renovation carried out in 2011, evaluation by the WEG
The apartment block in Kapfenberg, Austria, is a high-rise building (ground floor + 10 floors) with 44 apartments built in 1974. The heating system was district heating (without hot water). The facade area renovated in 2011 with ClimateCoating® ThermoProtect amounts to approx. 4100 m². The specialist company carrying out the work was Fa. HESCHmaler from 8345 Straden.
An analysis of the change in heating energy consumption was carried out in January 2015 by Ing. Franz Windisch and Ing. Herbert Emminger, who belong to the owners’ association. While the heating energy consumption in the 2010/2011 billing period was still 394.6 MWh, it was only 352.8 and 358.9 MWh in the following two billing periods. This corresponds to a reduction in consumption of around 10%.
For an economic comparison, only the additional costs are to be compared; in the comparison with facade insulation, it is the material cost difference to the levelling coat of the ETICS. The savings potential of facade insulation is given by IWO Austria as 22%, by IWO in Germany it is 19%, co2online gGmbH Berlin gives 19% (02.2014) and according to Heizspiegel Germany 2014 it is only 12% (10.2014).